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Catch the Vision

23 September 2009 379 Comments

Someone very dear to me tells the story of a poet’s muse. The poet says that she would be working in the field all day when occasionally she could feel the wheat begin to tremble. She would then hear the poem coming from the outskirts of the field, rushing over the wheat, weaving back and forth. She would then run back to her house as fast as she could to grab a pen and paper to write the poem down. If she missed it, it would travel on looking for the next open ears. Sometimes, she would make it in plenty of time to write down the vision. But sometimes, she would only just reach out and scarcely catch the end of it, grabbing hold and reining it in. I love the imagery of this. I believe that God’s vision is rustling all around us, rushing over the wheat fields of our minds. His Spirit is looking for someone who is willing to rush home and write down the vision. Sometimes we miss it, and the vision goes in search of another willing vessel. But oh how wonderful are the moments we catch the vision, even just the tale end and pull it in. Do you feel the rustling?

While here in Romania, I caught hold of one vision from an amazing family. Our host family is one of the few bright lights in this village. Here in Viilli Techi, many people know about God, but they do not have a true relationship with Him. Legalism and judgment run rampant. Abi, the father, has a vision to change all this. He has a heart for the people, and desires to serve them in every way. I watched Abi and his family give to those less fortunate, even though they do not have much at all. Behind our village there live some people who are rejected by even their own people. These villagers arrived about a year ago after being kicked out of their own village. They have no running water, no real houses, and barely any food or clothing. Seeing the conditions these children live in is heartbreaking. They are dirty and hungry and starving for love and joy. Many of the girls did not even have underwear or pants. Because they are not accepted by society, the children cannot go to school, and therefore and not even give the opportunity for a different future. Abi wants to change all of this. He works in construction and desires to build houses for these people so that they may have an attempt at a better life. He is working within the community to change their hearts and teach Christ’s love and acceptance. This is hard work, but Abi and his family are the perfect people to do it.
Working together with his brother and brother-in-law, Abi’s vision is to build a building that will change the whole town. The first floor would be a factory, providing jobs and goods for the community. The second floor would be rooms for missionaries to come and get training and help the village. These rooms would also be used to help men get off the streets, get an education and change their life. This building would also have English as a Second Language classes and Bible Studies to help change the community. Both of these projects are big undertakings, but I fully believe that this vision is from God, and that it will be blessed. I am writing to petition you to pray. God is very real in this village, and I know that he is doing big things here. The last thing I want in the whole world is to go somewhere for a month, smile, hug some kids, show love and then leave. I believe that God is calling me to tend the seeds that are planted here in Romania. For that I need a lot of help. My team is still working on all of the logistics about how exactly to help take hold of this vision, but we will be posting some things hopefully in the near future about how you all can get involved. Until then, please join me in prayer. I am so excited to see what God does through our month here, and how he begins to bring Abi’s big dreams to reality. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Today, may we be open and willing vessels and when we feel the rustling of the Spirit,
may we do everything in our power to catch the vision.


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