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[16 Aug 2009 | 24,033 Comments | ]
Living on a Prayer

Well I have officially completed my first week as a World Racer.  It has been surprisingly good.  I must admit I did not come into this week with the best of attitude.  After the huge adjustment of leaving all the people I loved, the last thing I wanted to do was camp in a tiny tent in a freezing cold and rainy Irish field.  This Georgia Peach just doesn’t have the thick skin for all that cold weather.  However, I enjoyed camping out with 100 of my teammates living in …

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[2 Jun 2009 | 4,473 Comments | ]

Finances.  This is one subject that I absolutely hated talking about. I almost initially did not do the World Race because I did not want to go around and seem as though I was begging people for money.  However, fundraising has actually been one of the most amazing processes for me.  As I have been fundraising, God has been teaching me that it is not me begging for money, but rather a group of Christians joining together to make a ministry possible.  In this particular instance, I just happen to …

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[13 Feb 2009 | 2,302 Comments | ]
Support Letter

Shalom my Dear Friends!

I pray that this letter finds you and your family well during this wonderful season!  I hope that God is doing many wonderful things in your life, as He is in mine.  My time at Lee University is quickly drawing to a close and I am excitedly anticipating Gods next steps for me.  It is my desire to share with you what the Lord has laid on my heart for this next year.  I feel as though there is something deep within me that is …