If I’ve learned nothing else over the past few months, it’s that I have a proficiency for procrastination when it comes to blogging. Lucky for all of you, that’s not the only thing that I have retained in the many months since I last updated. So I will now present to my many, many readers (it’s probably more like 4 of you ?, an update of what has been going on with me these past few months.
First on the list, ladies and gentlemen, is what I am told is the biggest day of my young adult life. That’s right, yours truly walked the stage cap, gown, magna cum laude and all. Graduating from college was a surreal experience for me. I love Lee University dearly. God used this place to teach, grow, stretch and mold me more than I ever imagined could happen through an intellectual institution. It is here that I found the beautiful mix of Theology and service, as I was taught beautiful doctrine and then challenged to put it into practice in my everyday life. I was blessed to be very involved in campus life. I worked with our wonderful Campus Pastor in a creative team that sought to breath new life into our corporate worship gatherings. I also got to teach a Freshman class, Chaplain a Freshman dorm, lead weekly Bible Studies and work as a tour guide for prospective students. I also had the privilege to be in a service sorority of the amazing women of Epsilon Lambda Phi. I also was very honored to be a little sister for an incredible service fraternity, Alpha Gamma Chi. While I enjoyed all of my activities greatly, looking back I see that what changed me the most was the incredible group of friends that I made at school. I am going to miss these people greatly over the next year. The many Starbucks conversations, Theological conversations, and days of service is what uniquely shaped my outlook on life. It is at Lee that I found the perfect mix of Orthopraxy (right practice) and Orthodoxy (right belief) in a beautiful culmination of what my dear friend has coined Orthonomy (right beauty). Orthonomy is a challenge to life the beautiful way, finding value in both studying the Word carefully, and in putting it into practice. I am so very thankful for my time at Lee, and for the amazing men and women who went out of their way to shape me into the woman that I am today. For that, I am truly thankful.
In celebration of my graduation, my parents threw me a graduation/send off party for the World Race. First off I have to begin with how incredibly blessed I am to have the family that I do. My parents are absolutely amazing people, and I am so honored to be their daughter. They hosted a beautiful time of prayer during the party, and I cherish each and every one of your prayers so dearly. I am so very grateful for all of you who came out to support me as I prepare for the World Race. I was overwhelmed by the love, prayers, and gifts that ya’ll so generously gave. I would type for hours if I thought it would begin to express how truly grateful I am for everything that ya’ll have done for me. I am so honored to have the amazing friends and family that I do. I cannot say Thank You enough to each and every one of you!! It is so excited for me to see the amazing group of supporters that God has placed in my life. Know that as I go out, I carry each and every one of you with me. This ministry is as much yours as it is mine. What an exciting thing for all of us to unite together and minister the love of Christ to the nations!!
After graduation I packed up and moved back home to Atlanta for the remaining two months before the Race. This is an exciting time filled with much preparation and prayer. I appreciate the prayers that you all offer on my behalf. I leave in two days for a week of Training Camp. I am very excited and nervous about this. I can’t wait to update you all when I get back!! After camp I am going to continue to fundraise, which I will talk more about in a few days. Until then I want to give you a quick preview of what I am working on:
First, a dear friend of mine who lives in East Cleveland (One of the poorest cities in the Southeast) named Miss Betty is in need of help. Recently, her food stamps have been reduced to $11 a week and she barely has enough to make a living. Betty is a shut in who is unable to leave her small apartment due to health issues. A group of us go each week to visit this dear woman. Betty tries to make extra money on the side by cross-stitching placemats and bookmarks. She does a good job, and can stitch most anything you like in the middle of it: names, dates, quotes. This is an example of one I got her to do for the fraternity I am a little sister of. She and I are partnering together for support, so for $6 each you can help both her and I ?
I am also working on growing my photography skills. My dream is to travel around the world doing missions work and supporting it through photography. I have had amazing opportunities to take pictures of some of the most beautiful places and people that I have ever seen. My dream is to share these memories with all of you, and use that as a means of support for the ministry. I posted a few more of my snapshots Here if you are interested. I’ll be working over the summer to get the pictures ready for sale, but here is a preview of some of my favorites.
Again I cannot thank each of you enough for all of the prayers, support and encouragement. It is humbling and exciting to know that the only way I am able to go is through the support of each of you. Thank you dearly for your sacrifices and your love. I wish I could write a blog to each one of you to demonstrate my gratitude. Now that I am back home, I am hoping to update more often, so keep checking back! I love each of you dearly.
~ Jennifer M.
“God is not man, that he should lie,
or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?” ~ Numbers 23:19
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