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Agape Meal

3 April 2009 403 Comments

Shalom all!  I just wanted to tell you a little bit about an experiment that some friends and I are doing.   Each week we meet together, Early Church Style for a few hours.  Way back when, the Early Church had a practice which they called Agape Meal, or Love Feast.  During these times, they would each bring what little food that they had and make a big meal out of it.  They would then sit around and share the stories of God in their lives.  They would talk about what God is doing and how they can continue to spread the Gospel throughout the world.  The communion elements were a part of their feasts, because they would often meet in Shabbat style meals.  The Early Church would also have a bread breaking time in which they would take time out to encourage each other in the Lord.  Living in Cleveland, Tennessee where there are more churches per square mile than anywhere in America, my friends and I have grown a little weary of the conventional service.  So, we are experimenting with Agape Meal in an effort to meet together and worship during a time of encouragement and refreshing.  It’s our own organic style of accountability and relationship.  Each week we also go out together and serve people in the community.  We record all of our experiences on our blog.  I thought I would share a little about what we are doing in our own community here, because I would love to hear what you are doing in yours.  May we each find a way to breath life in our own surrounding communities as we prepare to breath into the world together.

You can visit our Agape Meal website HERE.

~ Jennifer M.


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