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Typical World Race

7 September 2009 436 Comments

This has been such an exciting week! We were packing up to travel from Ireland to Moldova when we learned that our contact there fell through.  So we left at 7am for the Dublin airport and flew to Bucharest, Romania.  From there we got on a 11 hour bus ride to Viilatechi, Romania.  Our team is partnered with Joholo, a wonderful team and great friends.  We are staying with a wonderful host family.  Life here has been wonderful so far!  The village we are in is a gypsy town full of families and love.  The community is very tight, and the people are very welcoming.  Many of them have their own gardens and have their own produce.  Life here is simple, yet wonderful.  We are learning the art of Christian community and how to show God’s love in a practical way.  We don’t have specific ministry assignments; instead our mission here is to love the families we come in contact with.  So far we have cleaned houses, helped cook, cut hair, taught English and shared God’s love in any way that we can.  I love how organic this is.  I feel like I am constantly walking in God’s presence.  It is very peaceful here and is easy to live and be with the people.  I feel as though our actions are pulsating with God’s breath here.  The gypsy people are so welcoming.  It is great to show them love because they are not recognized as a people by the Romanian government.  My heart goes out to the people who are not a people.  It is a very interesting dynamic here because there are many gypsies who are Christian, but most of them are Pentecostal.  For them, it is not good to wear earrings, makeup, or anything above the knees.  I am seeing the effect of the Holiness Missionary movement here.  It is very humbling because I see what an impact we can have in this community.  I look forward to teaching the children more about God’s love and helping them learn English.

I think it has finally begun to sink in that this is my life for a year.  I haven’t showered for four days, and I couldn’t be happier.  I have waited my whole life to be a missionary, and I am finally here.  I feel as though God is preparing me for a future overseas.  I’m not sure exactly what that context will be, but I love helping people and travelling and seeing other cultures.  I just can’t believe that I am here and that this is my life for the next year.  It is so exciting to me!!  I still miss everyone back at home, but I am confident that this is where God has me, for such a time as this.

Thank you for all of your prayers.  This month is a lot of family ministry, so please pray that the language barriers may be broken down so that we can share Christ to them.  The last thing we want is to be just friendly travelers.  Also pray that the religion that is already here not restrict those who want to go deeper with the Lord.  We are beginning to do children’s ministry and women’s Bible studies.  I am excited to teach practical lessons and stories to them.  I am not sure when the next time we will get Internet is.  We either have to walk about 3 miles into town to get it, or take a 20-minute bus ride.   Thank you all for your prayers and love.  Know that it is being spread here like wildfire.


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