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Stories of Redemption

9 November 2009 337 Comments

While we were in Istanbul for a few days, my friend and fellow racer Ashley Higgins decided to create a video about redemption and the beauty of that in some of our sister’s lives.  The video is absolutely incredible.  It whispers to me to remember the things that God has done in my past, and praise him for that redemption.  It also challenges me to look to the future and pray for the redemption of those around me. So often I forget that God is a God of my yesterdays, as well as my tomorrows.

The cross of Christ is a beautiful thing.  It not only brings us to fullness in Christ, but it also takes our pasts and brings them new.

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice.

Thank you for saving us.

Thank you for your grace.

Thank you for Redemption.

redemption stories. from ashley higgins on Vimeo.


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