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Welcome to Africa!

7 January 2010 One Comment

I can’t believe it is already 2010.  Happy New Year!  This last year has been one of the most exciting years of my whole life.   One thing I love about God is that I know this is only beginning.  I cannot wait to see what this New Year holds!

One of the first exciting things I want to share with you is that I officially have all of my support raised!!!  Thank you SOOO much to all of you who have contributed and joined me in prayer.   Raising money was the one thing that was going to prevent me from coming on the Race, and I am so thankful that so many of you helped me achieve this goal!  It is amazing to daily watch how the Lord is using that money.  Praise him!

Since we were on a technology fast last month, I was not really able to update much.  Also unfortunately, we have been in the Middle East for 2 months, so we were not able to post much about God, ministry or Christianity.   This is mostly for our contacts protection because they live in very volatile areas that could turn dangerous if certain groups found out that they are Christians.  So I will try to summarize our time in Israel with as much discretion as I can.

Me, Martha, Lindsay and Ashley spent much of our days watching 5 wonderful children for an amazing woman named Tirza.  This woman taught us so much about trusting God and about serving others.  From the moment we entered TIrza’s house, we knew it was a divine appointment.  Israel was a month filled with much prayer, many smiles, great worship and tons of joy.  I loved the ministry we had that month.

Christmas came, and with it brought much homesickness, but also much joy because I was surrounded by the most incredible girl friends ever.  I am so blessed to have the friends that I have here on the field.  Sadly, our time in Israel had to come to an end, and the infamous 52-hour travel day began.  Yes, you heard me right, 52 hours.  But God knew that we would need some sort of incentive to travel that much, so he gave us a tour of the pyramids!   We drove all night to get to Egypt, toured Cairo all day, and then flew overnight into Nairobi. Ironically, it was cheaper to stay the day i

One Comment »

  • chris said:

    SO excited for you! Praying for you constantly!!!!