Articles in the 01 Training Category
01 Training, Archives, Finances »
Well I have officially completed my first week as a World Racer. It has been surprisingly good. I must admit I did not come into this week with the best of attitude. After the huge adjustment of leaving all the people I loved, the last thing I wanted to do was camp in a tiny tent in a freezing cold and rainy Irish field. This Georgia Peach just doesn’t have the thick skin for all that cold weather. However, I enjoyed camping out with 100 of my teammates living in …
01 Training, Archives »

Well I am officially a Training Camp survivor. And survivor I am. Anyone who sleeps in 150% humidity in a cabin with 30 other girls, on the third story top bunk is a survivor in my book. Also, anyone who is walking down a path only to look down and see a HUGE black snake right by her foot when she is TERRIFIED of snakes should earn the award for ultimate survivor. But I digress…For the past 10 days I have had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with 80+ …
01 Training, Archives »

We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this missions trip. Here is what I am expecting…
~ To be challenged more in 11 months than I have been in 22 years.
~ To experience God like I have never imagined.
~ To learn about myself, even though it’s hard at times, and become the woman I was created to be.
~ To see God in different contexts and people groups.
~ To grow so close to 4-6 other people that they become like family.
~ To miss my family …