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[28 Nov 2009 | 359 Comments | ]
Reckless Abandonment

When I was in Middle School, I read a book called Lady in Waiting.  It was a devotional for girls to teach them how to become mighty women of God.  It has been about 10 years since I have read that book, but its impact is still making waves in my life today.  The first chapter is titled “A Lady of Reckless Abandonment”. It focuses on the beautiful story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with an expensive jar of perfume.  This is one of my favorite stories because …

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[17 Nov 2009 | 428 Comments | ]
Halloween….World Race Style

Occasionally on the Race, we as racers have to find ways to entertain ourselves during various holidays that everyone back at home is celebrating and we are not.   Halloween is such a time as this.  Our squad leaders, Brian, Stacy and Caitlin decided that a Super-Hero-themed party was in order.  Our entire squad met in Sofia, Bulgaria for an end of the month debrief, and that’s when chaos broke out.
The room was packed with Super Heores.
Capes were flowing.
Powers were flying.
Villains were shaking in their boots.
A fun time was had by …

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[24 Oct 2009 | 294 Comments | ]
Laying Down My Expectations

This month has been one of the most trying months for me so far.   It has been wonderful, yet very tough at the same time.  This month our teams were given the assignment of Asking The Lord (ATL) about which country we should go to next.  We were supposed to be in Egypt this month, however, we were not able to get our whole squad to the Middle East until December.  So Petra Asked the Lord and we felt him calling us to Croatia.  We went with Kingdom Unity and …

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[3 Apr 2009 | 455 Comments | ]
Agape Meal

Shalom all!  I just wanted to tell you a little bit about an experiment that some friends and I are doing.   Each week we meet together, Early Church Style for a few hours.  Way back when, the Early Church had a practice which they called Agape Meal, or Love Feast.  During these times, they would each bring what little food that they had and make a big meal out of it.  They would then sit around and share the stories of God in their lives.  They would talk about …