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[26 Feb 2009 | 429 Comments | ]
How I Was Called to the Mission Field

We were asked to write a story of how we were called into the mission field.  Here is my story…
When I was little, I remember in school when the teacher would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I was never able to answer them.  I wasn’t quite able to pick a profession that I really loved or wanted to do for the rest of my life.  Fifteen years later, I still feel the same way.  I am getting ready to graduate in less than …

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[13 Feb 2009 | 2,302 Comments | ]
Support Letter

Shalom my Dear Friends!

I pray that this letter finds you and your family well during this wonderful season!  I hope that God is doing many wonderful things in your life, as He is in mine.  My time at Lee University is quickly drawing to a close and I am excitedly anticipating Gods next steps for me.  It is my desire to share with you what the Lord has laid on my heart for this next year.  I feel as though there is something deep within me that is …