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[12 Aug 2009 | 1,911 Comments | ]
There’s No Turning Back Now

Well the day has finally come.  I have officially started my World Race experience.  I am sitting in the Dublin Airport streaming free internet from a bus outside…we’ll see how long this lasts…
I think the reality of leaving has finally begun to sink in.  I am starting to realize that I am not going to see all the people I love for an entire year.  I am beginning to understand that even though this trip is going to be amazing, it is also going to be the hardest thing I …

0 Photography, Archives, Featured, Ministry »

[1 Jul 2009 | 1,803 Comments | ]
Photo Contest

This is going to be a short post, I just wanted to tell everyone about the exciting news!  Seth Barnes, the visionary of the World Race decided to open up a photography contest for missions pictures.  His idea was to get a bunch of pictures from out on the field and collect them into a coffee table book of sorts to sell.  Ideally, this would be a great way to fund raise for missions.  To get photographers involved Seth and some other wonderful people put together a contest featuring missions …