Articles tagged with: 3 Romania
0 Photography, 3 Romania, Archives, Featured, Ministry, Videos »

Well we’ve been in Romania for about 2 weeks now and on the Race for officially one month and three days. Time has flown by to say the least. I haven’t really had a chance to upload many of my pictures and blogs from Romania, so I thought I would try to lump a bunch all together. This month we are ministering in a little village called Villi Techi. Our ministry is to love of the people of this village and show the Christ in every way possible. So far …
3 Romania, Archives, Ministry »

This Sunday we all packed up to go to our first Romanian church service. I was really excited to experience how the Romanians worship. We have about 60 World Racers in the small village that we are staying at, so it was great to get to worship together. The entire January squad is here, 3 J squad teams plus Joholo and us. We pretty much tripled the population of this town in one night. Anyway, after worship our contact got up and said that he felt like the Spirit was …
3 Romania, Archives, Ministry »

This has been such an exciting week! We were packing up to travel from Ireland to Moldova when we learned that our contact there fell through. So we left at 7am for the Dublin airport and flew to Bucharest, Romania. From there we got on a 11 hour bus ride to Viilatechi, Romania. Our team is partnered with Joholo, a wonderful team and great friends. We are staying with a wonderful host family. Life here has been wonderful so far! The village we are in is a gypsy town full …