Articles tagged with: The World Race
8 Kenya, Archives, Headline, Ministry »

Today I had one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It happened while Martha, Ashley and I were doing house-to-house visits and happened upon the home of three Muslim girls, Morrine, Beva, and Hadeja. Ashley, one of the most genuine and amazing women that I know, wrote an incredible testament to the story.
I could write about it, but I’ll let her explain it in her own special way….
“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous …
8 Kenya, Archives, Featured, Headline, Ministry »

“Did that really just happen?” That is the thought that has captured my mind the past several hours. Today that plan was for us to go door-to-door to evangelize. My lack of training in this area, coupled with high doubt that any good could possibly come from “Jesus salesmen”, served as a crippling appetizer for internal skepticism. However, this is where I am called, so go I must. We entered the first house – all 6 of us crammed in a mud hut with out translator Eric, and an unsuspecting …
7 Israel, 8 Kenya, Archives, Headline »

I can’t believe it is already 2010. Happy New Year! This last year has been one of the most exciting years of my whole life. One thing I love about God is that I know this is only beginning. I cannot wait to see what this New Year holds!
One of the first exciting things I want to share with you is that I officially have all of my support raised!!! Thank you SOOO much to all of you who have contributed and joined me in prayer. Raising money was the …
7 Israel, Archives, Headline »
This week in Israel has been really wonderful for me. We got to tour Galilee and I watched two of my sisters rededicate their lives to the Lord and be baptized in the Jordan River. I love baptisms. It is such a beautiful moment and it always reminds me that the Lord’s grace and forgiveness are available all the time. We spent the rest of the week watching the five children that have become our ministry for this month. The children have had a hard life, but are so blessed …
6 Turkey, Archives, Featured, Headline »

When I was in Middle School, I read a book called Lady in Waiting. It was a devotional for girls to teach them how to become mighty women of God. It has been about 10 years since I have read that book, but its impact is still making waves in my life today. The first chapter is titled “A Lady of Reckless Abandonment”. It focuses on the beautiful story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with an expensive jar of perfume. This is one of my favorite stories because …
0 Photography, About, Archives, Headline »

Occasionally on the Race, we as racers have to find ways to entertain ourselves during various holidays that everyone back at home is celebrating and we are not. Halloween is such a time as this. Our squad leaders, Brian, Stacy and Caitlin decided that a Super-Hero-themed party was in order. Our entire squad met in Sofia, Bulgaria for an end of the month debrief, and that’s when chaos broke out.
The room was packed with Super Heores.
Capes were flowing.
Powers were flying.
Villains were shaking in their boots.
A fun time was had by …
6 Turkey, Archives, Headline, Videos »

While we were in Istanbul for a few days, my friend and fellow racer Ashley Higgins decided to create a video about redemption and the beauty of that in some of our sister’s lives. The video is absolutely incredible. It whispers to me to remember the things that God has done in my past, and praise him for that redemption. It also challenges me to look to the future and pray for the redemption of those around me. So often I forget that God is a God of my yesterdays, …
5 Croatia, Archives »

So I just read this blog post from my friend Dan Snyder from another team in Montenegro. I laughed out loud for at least 20 minutes. Not only because of the absurdity of their situation, but also because I have been in their boat numerous times on the race. (Well, not exactly in their boat, or rather, bus in this case). My teammates and I often find ourselves saying, “is this really our life?!” From sitting in a random women’s conference in Serbia to giving our testimonies at a moments …