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One Cup of Coffee

12 December 2009 363 Comments


This week in Israel has been really wonderful for me.  We got to tour Galilee and I watched two of my sisters rededicate their lives to the Lord and be baptized in the Jordan River.  I love baptisms.  It is such a beautiful moment and it always reminds me that the Lord’s grace and forgiveness are available all the time.  We spent the rest of the week watching the five children that have become our ministry for this month.  The children have had a hard life, but are so blessed to have a loving mother who takes such good care of them.  It is our wonderful privilege to get to show them love each day.   Since I don’t have much news to share since my last post, I thought I would focus this post on finances. 

 I am so very blessed to have such amazing supporter that I do.  I seriously want to thank all of you who have sacrificed to help me get on the DSC_0306field.  Every time I watch someone new come to the Lord, or enter into worship with new brothers and sisters, I pray that you all will know how much you have made those moments possible.  These God-moments are all of ours to share.  I seriously love posting stories from the field because you all get to see exactly how God has been using your prayers and contributions.  I love that God is all about connecting things and that no sacrifice is ever small in His Kingdom.  

I am so happy to tell you all that my account is only $3100 away from the goal required for the World Race!  Again I want to thank everyone so much who has supported me thus far.  I know some of my readers have expressed wanting to become a supporter, but not knowing how much is needed, or how to contribute.  I did the math and I think it would only take 25 people contributing $20 a month for the next 6 months to keep me on the field.  That averages out to about one cup of coffee a week until June.  If you, or anyone you know is interested in supporting this next year of ministry, you can click the link below.  Will you please join me in praying that the Lord will provide the necessary funds required allow me to finish this race?

If you are interested in supporting me, you can click here.

When I was in Romania, I felt the Lord give me a bigger vision for my photography.  He gave me some very clear visions of where it would go in the future, and I am really excited about it!  I believe that photography is going to be a big part of supporting my missions work in the future and I am really looking forward to that.  I have been reading in Thessalonians how Paul encourages the believers there to work, just has he and his friends worked as they preached.  One of my fears in going into full-time missions work has always been raising support and balancing missions work and a job.  I believe this photography dream is the Lord’s answer to that fear of mine.  One of my goals when I get back to the states will be establishing some sort of non-profit with photography that will provide the funds necessary for missions work all around the world.  I am VERY excited about this dream and would love your prayers on this new venture as well. 

 I really want to thank everyone who has prayed for this trip.  Know that your prayers are being answered daily and I know that the amazing things God has done would not have been possible if they were not first bathed in prayer.   Thank you also to everyone who has been supporting me and encouraging me as I have been gone.  Your prayers, emails and facebook messages are a wonderful glimpse of home, and I treasure them all so much.


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