Articles in the 09 Uganda Category
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![Africa Overview, Video Style](
Since I spend most of my time behind my Nikon and not a video camera, I thought I would allow the talent of my fellow squad mates speak for me as I wrap up this last African post…
Our African journey started back in December with our longest travel day yet. Ashley Higgins made this hilarious video about our journey from the Middle East to Kenya.
Life in Africa can be a bit challenging at times to say the least…Team Mosaic made a video about all of the “lessons” we have had …
0 Photography, 09 Uganda, Archives, Headline, Ministry »
![Three Months-No Snakes!](
While I wouldn’t say that not seeing any snakes sums up my African experience…it sure does make me feel a whole lot better! We have successfully finished our ministry in Africa and are currently in Bangkok, Thailand getting ready for three months of ministry in Southeast Asia.
So what can I say to sum up my three-month journey in Africa? How could I even begin to sum up my incredible experiences on this wonderful continent? I think the one word I would use would be Powerful. I saw God power displayed …
09 Uganda, Archives, Featured, Headline, Ministry »
![Covered in Dust](
I am sitting under the stars in Uganda.
The house we are living in has no power, so they are the clearest I have ever seen them.
It’s nighttime and most of my team is already asleep.
Trying to unwind, I decide to wash my feet.
As I take the wash bucket, I begin to clean off layer after layer of street dirt.
Dirt as red as Georgia clay.
It is a peaceful night and I am at rest after a very hard day of ministry.
No sleep. Fear. Power. Healings. Demons. Muslims. Opposition. Freedom. Salvations.
This month …
09 Uganda, Archives, Headline, Ministry »
![Iasou Mulungi!](
God is Good!! I came to know this phrase in a whole new way this week.
It was the end of a very long week for us. I had been leading a team of 12 in the bush and our ministry lasted about 13 hours a day. It was our last night before a day off and we were all exhausted. “Just a few more hours” I thought to myself. We turned the Jesus Film on and expected to have a few hours of rest until prayer time at the end. …
09 Uganda, Archives, Headline »
![Breath of Life](
At the end of February, both J and K squads gathered in Jinja, Uganda for a few days of rest before Tanzania. While we were there the most incredible miracle I have ever hear about happened. Here is the story as written by Marissa Vila, a J squad member.
They met for the first time in the Atlanta, Georgia airport back in May 2009. Matt Patch, Austin Anglea and Dan Snyder: instant brothers with much in common. After training camp the three of them had dreams and visions of the Lord …
09 Uganda, Archives, Headline, Ministry »
![Sins of Their Fathers](
“For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me…” ~ Deuteronomy 5:9
Does God punish children for the sins for their fathers?
Does this Deuteronomy passage speak only to the Israelites of the Old Testament? Or is there some string of truth for the world today?
While we were going evangelizing a few days ago, a 10-year-old girl named Flo approached me. She asked me to pray for her baby brother. …
09 Uganda, Archives, Featured, Headline, Ministry »
![Free Indeed, or How to Cast Out Demons](
It was just a normal day of ministry. Schools…evangelism….preaching…utter exhaustion….I felt myself slip into autopilot…just one more school before lunch break…
We walked up to the school and I opted to teach the older students for an hour. We began by singing some praise songs in English, and then the students sang to us in Ugandan. It was then that an older girl, about my size, in the front row started stepping out…I thought she was going to dance…when she suddenly collapsed on the ground…right in front of me. Thinking she …
09 Uganda, Archives, Featured, Headline, Ministry »
![Complete Dependence](
The World Race program talks about the different steps many racers go through to get to the point of Kingdom Empowerment. They say the steps are abandonment, brokenness, dependence, and finally empowerment. I feel like I reached abandonment in Turkey.
This week I have completely understood what they mean by dependence. Tim and Paul, our team leaders had to go to Kampala, the capital of Uganda to get some work done for next month. They left Ashley Higgins, an amazing woman of God and videographer, and me in charge. I was …
09 Uganda, Featured, Headline, Ministry »
![The Battle](
Spiritual Warfare. Most Christians in the West hear that term and instantly think of crazy over-the-top charismatics, or some witchdoctor sitting in a smoke hut communing with the dead. However, here in Africa, Spiritual Warfare is common jargon among Christians because it is something that they face literally everyday. Here, it is more common for people to seek the help of a witchdoctor than it is to see a medical practitioner. People face spirits everyday. This week we have been working in Bugobi, Uganda, a small bush town. Within a …
09 Uganda, Archives, Featured, Headline, Ministry »
![Hut to Hut Evangelism](
When I picture traveling evangelists, I usually imagine a bike, a crisp white shirt, and a perfectly tailored answer concerning salvation. That, or a sweaty purple suit shouting something about fire, hell, and brimstone. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would become the very thing that I do not have a particularly good taste for. In my mind, door-to-door evangelism was not only ineffective, but was intrusive, and certainly not the Lord’s plan for me. One would think that seven months on the race would rid …