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Could It Be That Simple?

9 January 2010 375 Comments

“Did that really just happen?”  That is the thought that has captured my mind the past several hours.  Today that plan was for us to go door-to-door to evangelize.  My lack of training in this area, coupled with high doubt that any good could possibly come from “Jesus salesmen”, served as a crippling appetizer for internal skepticism.  However, this is where I am called, so go I must.  We entered the first house – all 6 of us crammed in a mud hut with out translator Eric, and an unsuspecting woman named Rachel.  After quick introductions, Eric turned to Tim and asked him to share about Jesus.  Talk about being ready at any moment.  But without hesitation, Tim opened up to John 3:16 and spoke about the death and resurrection of Christ.

At the end, Eric asked Rachel if she wanted Jesus to come into her heart, and she said yes!  I was awestruck.  Could it really be that simple?

At the next house, I was all prepared to watch as someone else shared, but after sitting down Tim turned right to me and asked me to talk.  Evalyn and Mary had never been to church before or heard about Jesus.  Where do I possible start with someone who has never heard before?  How could I begin to make them understand the greatness of God and Christ’s incredible sacrifice on the cross?  How could I convey the amazing celebration that is the resurrection?  I was lost.  So, not knowing where else to begin, I started with creation.  I spoke about how God created a perfect world, and put us in it to have a relationship with him.  I spoke about how sin entered the world and how all of us have sinned.  I tried to outline the Gospel as best I could.  I told them how Jesus defeated the enemy on the Cross, and how his resurrection gave us all eternal life if we believe in him.  I shared with them from Romans 8 that nothing they could ever do could possibly separate them from the love of God.  I told them that God spent special time creating them, and that they were made for a purpose.  I was sure I was missing the major points and that I was doing terrible trying to talk about an incomprehensible God.  However, when I was finished, Eric told us that both Evalyn and Mary wanted to accept Jesus in their heart!  Can it be that simple?

At the end of the day, the Gospel is salvation.  It doesn’t matter how poorly it is preached, it is not my calling to save the people.  But Christ did mandate that we “preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).  Our job is to respond in obedience and to tell those who do not know about Jesus.  As we speak about God, we release it to Him, and place the results in God’s hands.  But we are called to speak.  Paul implores Timothy, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:2). But really, is it that simple?

“How then can they call on the one why have not believed in?  And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”  (Romans 10:14).

It does not matter if we have a perfect sermon prepared; regardless of our experience or knowledge, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for the harvest!”  (John 4:35).

Fields are ripe.

People are ready.

Hearts are open.

It’s just that simple.


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