Free Indeed, or How to Cast Out Demons
It was just a normal day of ministry. Schools…evangelism….preaching…utter exhaustion….I felt myself slip into autopilot…just one more school before lunch break…
We walked up to the school and I opted to teach the older students for an hour. We began by singing some praise songs in English, and then the students sang to us in Ugandan. It was then that an older girl, about my size, in the front row started stepping out…I thought she was going to dance…when she suddenly collapsed on the ground…right in front of me. Thinking she had fainted, I quickly ran to her and tried to lift her into a sitting position. It was then that the headmaster said over my shoulder, “Pray for her, she needs deliverance.” “What?!” I thought in my head… “We are in the middle of a school, in the middle of the day, in the middle of me being exhausted…what the heck are we going to deliver?!” I allowed those thoughts to go through my head for about half a second before I lifted this beautiful 110-pound girl in my arms. Martha, Lauren Williamson and I took the girl, Kadogo, under a nearby tree and began praying. As I lay the unconscious girl on the grass I was instantly filled with compassion for this girl who was in desperate need of freedom. I looked into her eyes, and I saw tears streaming down her face. The teachers told me that she was demon possessed and needed deliverance. The first thing I thought was, “I am not equipped for this. What the heck am I supposed to pray?” But pray I did. We were determined to see this precious girl free. I began to speak to the spirits of worry and fear and witchcraft and tell them to leave, and surprisingly, they did. Kadogo went from trembling and calling to her dead ancestors to silently weeping.
Martha asked if she could say the name of Jesus, but she still could not. So we kept praying. We learned that she was not a Christian, and when we asked if she wanted to accept Jesus, she nodded her head. Even though she was unable to speak, I led Kadogo in the sinner’s prayer. I prayed as hard as I could for this precious life. I quoted every scripture I could about freedom and new life – It was all I knew how to do. Amazingly, at the end of the prayer, Kadogo was able to say “Jesus”. I heard her whisper it over and over again. She was free!! All three of us were in utter amazement of the Lord’s good work. God used an attack of the enemy to not only free one of his children, but give her eternal life. God set her free!! It was such a beautiful moment. Still in shock that God cast demons out through us, Martha, Lauren and I could only pray and praise God for the amazing work that he did that day. God put me in a situation where I had no idea what to do, and he again used my weakness to do miracles. He never ceases to amaze me. I praise Him for being so good! He loves his children and he desires to set the captives free.
Praise God we are free.
We are free indeed.
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