Articles tagged with: Lost
8 Kenya, Archives, Featured, Headline, Ministry »

“Did that really just happen?” That is the thought that has captured my mind the past several hours. Today that plan was for us to go door-to-door to evangelize. My lack of training in this area, coupled with high doubt that any good could possibly come from “Jesus salesmen”, served as a crippling appetizer for internal skepticism. However, this is where I am called, so go I must. We entered the first house – all 6 of us crammed in a mud hut with out translator Eric, and an unsuspecting …
7 Israel, 8 Kenya, Archives, Headline »

I can’t believe it is already 2010. Happy New Year! This last year has been one of the most exciting years of my whole life. One thing I love about God is that I know this is only beginning. I cannot wait to see what this New Year holds!
One of the first exciting things I want to share with you is that I officially have all of my support raised!!! Thank you SOOO much to all of you who have contributed and joined me in prayer. Raising money was the …